
Treadmill TUNTURI Signature T80

Monthly payment from 61,21  / 60 months

Original price was: 2849,00 €.Current price is: 1949,00 €.

Treadmill Tunturi Endurance T80 is a treadmill with a powerful motor and up to 12% incline, perfect for intensive use.
  • Speed 0.8-22 km/h
  • 44 training programmes
  • 153 x 55 cm running track

Product available

Available only in webshop

Shipping time: 7-21 business days.

SKU: 22TRN80000 Category: Tag:


  • Screen: 10 inches, LED
  • 10.5 inch, 10″ screen, 10.5″ display, 10.5 inch
  • Engine: 5.5 HP
  • Speed: 0.8-22 km/h
  • Inclines: 15
  • Running track size: 153 x 55 cm
  • Dimensions: 193 x 92,5 x 149 cm
  • Dimensions when folded: 137 x 92,5 x 156,5 cm
  • Product weight: 115 kg
  • Maximum operating weight: 150 kg

Velomarket is the official distributor and partner of Tuntur trainers and fitness equipment in the Baltics.
 NB! Velomarket also offers the option of installment payments from €9/month.
 See Tuntur products in more detail on the official Tuntur website . All products can also be ordered from us.
 Tunturi literally means “big mountain”, which symbolizes overcoming challenges and the feeling that comes after intense training and self-surpassing.

 Tunturi started in 1922 . in Turku, Finland , when brothers Aarne and Eero Harke opened the bicycle shop Pyöräkellari Oy. At first, the main focus was repairing bicycles, then they produced their own bicycles under the name of Tunturi. The brand was very successful and within a few years the small shop was replaced by a factory, and by the 1950s the Tuntur brand was in a leading position in the domestic moped market. Using the technology and knowledge gained from bicycle production, Tunturi expanded into the production of other sports equipment.

1969 . In 1998, Tunturi changed the entire fitness industry by introducing the world’s first bicycle ergometer for home use , and a year later received international recognition as a sports equipment manufacturer.

 In the 1990s, a strategic decision was made to focus on the production of Tuntur fitness products and Tuntur bicycles. This decision was important for the further development of the brand. Tunturi is now a well-known brand in Scandinavian countries, and Tunturi fitness products are sold in more than 40 countries worldwide . Tunturi is now located in Almere (near Amsterdam in the Netherlands), owned by the Accell Group.

Additional information



Parcel machine


Screen size

10 inches

Screen type

4 LEDs + LCD Backlight



Measurable data

Time, distance, calories, speed, elevation, heart rate, steps

Total programs


Difficulty levels


Heart rate measurement via handlebar


Speed (km/h)


Incline adjustment


Belt width (cm)


Belt length (cm)


Power source

mains power supply

Assembled dimensions

193 x 92.5 x 149 cm

Dimensions when folded

137 x 92.5 x 156.5 cm

Product weight (kg)


Maximum user weight (kg)


Bottle holder


Transport wheels




USB charger




Tablet holder


For use


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Mugav ning suur jooksurada
Tunturi Endurance T80 jooksulint on varustatud Cross TIP lindiga, mis laiub 21-millimeetrisel alusel. Cross TIP struktuur pakub lisahaaret joostes suurel 153×55 cm rajal. See pakub koos summutav T-Flex tehnoloogiaga mugavat jooksukogemust.
Võimas mootor suurteks kiirusteks
Kui Teile meeldib joosta suurtel kiirustel, siis Endurance T80 võimas mootor pakub Teile hea jooksukogemuse. Joostes maksimaalsel kiirusel 22 km/h on treening ikka mugav.
47 treeningprogrammi
Kas arvate, et lihtsalt jooksulindil jooksmine on igav? Ärge muretsege! Endurace T80 jooksulindil on 47 väljakutsuvat treeningprogrammi, mille vahel valida. Igal programmil on erinev profiil, sealhulgas erinevad kalded ning kiirused. Monitor kuvab Teile selgelt programmi profiili ning Teie treeningandmed.
Kokkuvolditav ruumi kokkuhoiuks
Olete jooksmise lõpetanud? Jooksulindi saab lihtsasti kokku voltida ruumi kokkuhoiuks. Lahti voltimine on lihtne tänu soft drop süsteemile. Vajutage vedrule ning rada langeb kontrollitult ning sujuvalt jälle lahti.
Tunturi Routes rakendus
Kui 47 treeningprogrammi ei ole Teie jaoks piisav ning soovite joosta kusagil mujal kui oma kodu seinte vahel, siis Tunturi Routes pakub teile 50 000+ videot, mille vahel valida. Jookske täna läbi Grand Canyoni ning homme läbi Pariisi tänavate. Kõik on Teie enda teha. Jooksulindi kalle kohandub vastavalt videos toimuvatele kaldemuudatustele.
Kuna seadmel on tugev raam ja võimas mootor, kehtib mõlemale eluaegne garantii. Garantii kehtib ainult juhul kui seadet on kasutatud kodus ja kuni 2-3 tundi päevas. Jooksulindi professionaalsel kasutamisel rakenduvad teised garantiitingimused, mis on leitavad Tunturi kodulehelt.
Jooksulint Endurance T80 on ühilduv Zwift rakendusega. See tähendab, et video kiirus ühildub Teie jooksukiirusega. Treeningu parameetrid kuvatakse samuti reaalajas Zwifti, nii saate hea ülevaate oma edusammudest.