Power station FINNLO by Hammer Multi-gym Autark 600

Monthly payment from 40,76  / 60 months


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Shipping time: 14 business days.


The Finnlo Autark 600 is a versatile power station that is suitable for home training. It allows you to perform a range of exercises to strengthen your whole body, including legs and arms. Thanks to its sturdy materials and ergonomic design, it offers a comfortable and effective training experience.

Manufactured by Finnlo by Hammer (Germany).

  • Minimum ceiling height: 200 cm.
  • Max. dimensions: 190 x 115 x 196 cm
  • Weight: 177 kg
  • Maximum user weight: 120 kg
For full information on the workouts and the machine, please visit the Hammer website.

NB! Velomarket also offers the option of installment payments from €9/month.

See more about Hammer products on the official Hammer website . All products can also be ordered from us. You can familiarize yourself with the selection of Hammer trainers sold at Velomarket on our website .
Hammer is a fitness equipment manufacturer from Germany with over 3 million satisfied customers. Hammer's goal is to produce innovative, high-quality and stable fitness machines and offer unique training concepts. Whether it is an ergometer, exercise bike, elliptical trainer, treadmill, rowing ergometer or power station – their equipment inspires, motivates and creates joy in life.

Additional information


Finnlo by Hammer

Parcel machine


Assembled dimensions

190 x 115 x 196 cm

Product weight (kg)

177 kg

Maximum user weight (kg)

120 kg

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Mitmekülgne ja kompaktne
Võrreldes mitmete teiste koduste treeningseadmetega kombineerib Autark 600 endas mitmed jõusaalitüüpilised harjutused ühes seadmes. Mitmed erinevad positsioonid võimaldavad sooritada laia valikut harjutusi ning kombineerida neid oma treeningkavades. Treenides koos Autark 6000-ga, katate kõikide põhiliste lihasgruppide treeningud ning ei pea enam igatsema jõusaalis käimist.